
Whey Protein and Gas in the Elderly

Whey proteins are derived from cow's milk, and are considered complete proteins because they contain all of the essential and nonessential amino acids your body needs. Whey proteins are particularly beneficial to the elderly because they can help you maintain muscle and bone mass and might contribute to the health of your brain and memory. Unfortunately, whey protein might also cause gas, though this is more likely if you also have an accompanying condition that might be exacerbated by the dairy proteins found in whey.

Whey protein is naturally present in cow's milk and is separated from the milk during the cheese-making process. Enzymes are added to the milk to help separate the liquid whey from the curds. The liquid whey that is separated is then pasteurized and dried into a powder. Whey protein powder is present in certain health foods and is also sold as a supplement that you can add to your own foods. Whey protein has certain advantages in a senior diet because it might benefit the health of your heart and muscles and help protect your memory. Whey protein is also high in calcium, which might reduce your risk of osteoporosis, a bone-thinning disorder that most commonly affects older people.

When gas builds up in your intestines, it can cause pain and flatulence. While most people pass gas an average of 10 times per day, more frequent gas can be caused by your diet or an underlying medical condition. High-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, are the most likely to cause gas. Protein foods on their own are not as likely to cause gas, though they might cause conditions that lead to gas.

Whey protein shakes are one of the most common ways to add whey protein to your diet, but the additional ingredients might be responsible for your gas. Many whey protein shakes are made with milk. If you are lactose intolerant, you might develop gas after drinking the shake. If your shake has artificial sweeteners, they might also be the cause of your gas. You might drink whey protein shakes as a protective measure for the health of your muscles and bones, but too much protein might be the cause of your gas, as well. According to MayoClinic.com, too much protein can cause diverticulitis or constipation, two conditions that can cause gas.

If you make your whey protein shakes at home, the blending process might contribute to the development of gas. Blending your whey protein shake in a blender adds air to your beverage. An excess intake of air can lead to gas. If you regularly get gas after consuming whey protein, talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks to your health. The health benefits for the elderly might outweigh the risk of developing gas, particularly if you are at risk for muscle problems, osteoporosis and memory disorders. Do not take whey protein without speaking to your doctor first.

Article reviewed by Brigitte Espinet Last updated on: Feb 22, 2012

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