A yeast infection can occur in the mouth, the intestines, and in other areas of the body. This fungal infection commonly infects diabetics, overweight or obese people, and individuals with unhealthy immune system function due to illness or poor nutrition. A yeast infection in the gut can lead to malnutrition and cause an increased craving for sweets and carbohydrate foods.
A yeast infection can also occur in the intestines, which can lead to the yeast physically restricting the absorption of food through the intestinal walls to the blood. In severe cases, an intestinal yeast infection can cause malnutrition because the yeast also consumes carbohydrates in the diet. In some cases, the yeast growth is so widespread that it can cause severe bloating of the stomach, as well as gassiness, belching and diarrhea. Alpha Omega Labs reports that many women who have chronic vaginal yeast infections may also have intestinal candidiasis.
According to MayoClinic.com, individuals with yeast infections of any kind will crave sugary or sweet foods because the yeast may be consuming carbohydrates in the diet. Candida yeast thrives on sugar, and because the infected individuals feel drained of energy due to a lack of carbohydrates, they are attracted to sweets and refined carbohydrates such as sugary foods, cakes, biscuits, white bread, chips and potatoes. This causes an unhealthy cycle in which the yeast parasite feeds off the body, and this in turn causes the body to crave more of the sugar it needs to thrive and grow.
Though a balanced diet may not be enough to prevent a yeast infection, certain foods can help to reduce your risk. The website HealthGuidance notes that adding a cup of yogurt, which contains healthy probiotic organisms, to your daily diet may help to limit the growth of unhealthy yeasts. Cranberry juice and garlic may also help treat yeast infections, as they are both antifungals. It is also important to limit alcohol, sugar and refined carbohydrates, as yeast feeds off these foods. Hence, diabetics are prone to yeast infections because they have higher levels of blood sugar. A balanced diet is essential for immune system and overall health, but if you have a yeast infection, it is important for you to seek medical treatment.
Article reviewed by TimDog Last updated on: Apr 29, 2012
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